Saturday 15 September 2012

Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz (14th Edition)

Download Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz (pdf format)
PART 1: Business in a Global Environment
Chapter 1 The Changing Face of Business
Chapter 2 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 3 Economic Challenges Facing Contemporary Business
Chapter 4 Competing in World Markets

PART 2: Starting and Growing Your Business
Chapter 5 Forms of Business Ownership and Organization
Chapter 6 Starting Your Own Business: The Entrepreneurship Alternative

PART 3: Management: Empowering People to Achieve Business
Chapter 7 Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization
Chapter 8 Human Resource Management: From Recruitment to Labor Relations
Chapter 9 Top Performance through Empowerment, Teamwork, and Communication
Chapter 10 Production and Operations Management

PART 4: Marketing Management
Chapter 11 Customer-Driven Marketing
Chapter 12 Product and Distribution Strategies
Chapter 13 Promotion and Pricing Strategies

PART 5: Managing Technology and Information
Chapter 14 Using Technology to Manage Information

Part 6: Managing Financial Resources
Chapter 15 Understanding Accounting and Financial Statements
Chapter 16 The Financial System
Chapter 17 Financial Management

Appendix A Business Law
Appendix B Insurance and Risk Management
Appendix C Personal Financial Planning
Appendix D Developing a Business Plan
Appendix E Careers in Contemporary Business
Might help you:
Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman (12th Edition)

Download Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman (pdf format)
Chapter 01: The Roll and Environment of Managerial Finance
Chapter 02: Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter 03: Cash Flow and Financial Planning
Chapter 04: Time Value of Money
Chapter 05: Risk and Return
Chapter 06: Interest Rates and Bond Valuation
Chapter 07: Stock Valuation
Chapter 08: Capital Budgeting Cash Flows
Chapter 09: Capital Budgeting Cash Techniques
Chapter 10: Risk Refinements in Capital Budgeting
Chapter 11: The Cost Capital
Chapter 12: Leverage and Capital Structure
Chapter 13: Dividend Policy
Chapter 14: Working Capital and Current Assets Management
Chapter 15: Current Liabilities Managements
Chapter 16: Hybrid and Derivative Securities
Chapter 17: Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures and business Failure
Chapter 18: International Managerial Finance

Might help you:
Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz

Monday 18 June 2012

Drink Water at the Correct Time

Drinking Water at the Correct Time maximizes your Effectiveness and Immunity Power.

01. Two Glass of Water after waking up- helps to active internal organs smoothly.
02. One Glass of Water 30 minutes before a meal- helps to Proper Digestion.
03. One Glass of Water before taking a bath/ shower- helps lower blood pressure.
04. One Glass of Water before going to bed- Avoid stroke or heart attack.
Happy Drinking :)

Friday 1 June 2012

Brand's existence on the World Wide Web

Whether you are searching for a job, looking to get a date or hoping to get into see a client- there is one thing you can count on, people are researching you on the World Wide Web. When we are researching, we wanted to understand what happens when somebody Google someone. How did they determine is that the result is good or the result is bad?

We look at two different factors:
VOLUME- how much stuff is there on the web about you and
RELEVANCE- how consistent is that stuff with how you want to be known.

And so from that we created the four box model that helps you understand how you are doing when somebody take a looks at your results on the World Wide Web.
And you see like with any four box model your goal is to be in the upper right corner. We call that being digitally distinct. That means there is a lot of stuffs on the web about you and it consistent to how you want to be known.

Now may be your ego serves and googled yourself and found that mode, it is not a lot of stuff. You are going to be waiting to work on activities will help increase the volume. Or may be what’s on the web is not consistent with how you want to be known. So you want to get some more relevance, make sure your content is on the right sides, make sure you talking about the right things and so forth.

This is really important when you building a brand on the World Wide Web. Now a great place to start is with the online id calculator.
This calculator helps you see where you show up in the four box model. Are you digitally distinct, perhaps you digitally disastrous meaning the content not at all consistent with how you want to be known? May be you digitally disguised, meaning there is nothing that shows up when somebody googles your name. Today if you show up in Google, you don’t exist. So you really need to make sure that you managing your online reputation.

The first step in the process is to understand the volume and relevance results. Use the online ID calculator, understand where you show up in the four box model, then make a plan to build powerful pervasive brand on the World Wide Web.

That’s the key is try to create an enough, great volume and make sure that everything is communicating your brand. That’s the power of building a brand on the World Wide Web.

Special Thanks to William Arruda | Personal Branding Guru

Thursday 31 May 2012

4 (Four) Principles of Career Distinction

I would like to talk about the four principles of career distinction. When we are researching our book we wanted to see what are the things that make some people exceptional in the workplace. There is a lot of people who doing great things but the small percentage of people- they are just absolutely exceptional. What is it that they have in common and we determine that there are four things they have in common that helped them to be so exceptional.

01. Stand out. Stand for something
One of the things we learned is, people who are wildly successful are willing to stick their neck out little bit. They are willing to stand for something knowing that not everybody is going to agree with them. And that is a great key in branding. Sometimes we repel as many people as we attract. If you are willing to take a stand, if u convicted, if u have thought a leadership position that’s really important to your brand. You want to able to stand out, so that people recognize you and understand what is that you stand for.

02. Be your own boss
Hit back 20-30 years ago, when you worked for a company, you pretty much there for life. They would manage a career for you. Sounds he didn’t make too many ways, you leave who you were at the door, you go in, you conform, that’s what they want to form you. They would manage your career move you around, take a review, you retire with pension at the end of thirty years.
That’s not the way of the world anymore. And it certainly not the way of the work world.
Today you need to be your own boss. That means managing your own career. So you have to think about what are you want to go next? I have a career a discussion with you and what are the things that have to accomplish this year that will help me get to the next step in my career. These are the things that are going to make you successful you cannot wait for somebody else to manage your career, you can’t look to HR, you can’t look to manager, you need to take these upon yourself and proactively manage your career.

03. Forget the ladder
We all know the ladder metaphor, climbing the rungs of the ladder and when we are seeking the next rung- all we things is about our career. We update our resume, we start reaching out to professional networking contacts and so forth. Everything’s focused on getting to that wrong.
And what happened when we get to the wrong? We forget all about managing our career which very binary. When I am managing a career anymore we have reached that wrong. So we get caught up in voice mails, emails and meeting and so forth and we don’t think about our careers again until it’s time to reach the next rung.
That doesn’t work in the new world of work either. What you want to do is manage your career every single day with everything you do. You want to ask yourself what I am doing today that going to advance me to where I want to go. So instead of the ladder you need to think about your career as a ramp. That ramp means it with every step you take your advancing toward your goals. So you have to ask yourself, how is this meeting today is going to help me to advance my career, how is this phone call is going to advance my career, how is everything on my to-do list today going to help me take the next step by adding value in demonstrating that value in everything I am doing today.

04. Build your brand
We have seen the people, who are wildly successful, have integrated branding strategies into everything they do. Every day they are asking themselves is it helping to add value to my brand or is it distracting from my brand? And they make decisions based on those things are going to help them increase their visibility with their target audience demonstrate what makes an exceptional and so forth. So you want to be thinking about everything you do is helping me or is it distracting from brand value and make sure you are putting your mark on everything you do-every agenda you write, every meeting you attend, every phone call you have. When you do this branding becomes a natural part of how you manage your career or how you add value to your employer and those around you.

Special Thanks to William Arruda | Personal Branding Guru