Saturday 15 September 2012

Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz (14th Edition)

Download Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz (pdf format)
PART 1: Business in a Global Environment
Chapter 1 The Changing Face of Business
Chapter 2 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 3 Economic Challenges Facing Contemporary Business
Chapter 4 Competing in World Markets

PART 2: Starting and Growing Your Business
Chapter 5 Forms of Business Ownership and Organization
Chapter 6 Starting Your Own Business: The Entrepreneurship Alternative

PART 3: Management: Empowering People to Achieve Business
Chapter 7 Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization
Chapter 8 Human Resource Management: From Recruitment to Labor Relations
Chapter 9 Top Performance through Empowerment, Teamwork, and Communication
Chapter 10 Production and Operations Management

PART 4: Marketing Management
Chapter 11 Customer-Driven Marketing
Chapter 12 Product and Distribution Strategies
Chapter 13 Promotion and Pricing Strategies

PART 5: Managing Technology and Information
Chapter 14 Using Technology to Manage Information

Part 6: Managing Financial Resources
Chapter 15 Understanding Accounting and Financial Statements
Chapter 16 The Financial System
Chapter 17 Financial Management

Appendix A Business Law
Appendix B Insurance and Risk Management
Appendix C Personal Financial Planning
Appendix D Developing a Business Plan
Appendix E Careers in Contemporary Business
Might help you:
Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman (12th Edition)

Download Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman (pdf format)
Chapter 01: The Roll and Environment of Managerial Finance
Chapter 02: Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter 03: Cash Flow and Financial Planning
Chapter 04: Time Value of Money
Chapter 05: Risk and Return
Chapter 06: Interest Rates and Bond Valuation
Chapter 07: Stock Valuation
Chapter 08: Capital Budgeting Cash Flows
Chapter 09: Capital Budgeting Cash Techniques
Chapter 10: Risk Refinements in Capital Budgeting
Chapter 11: The Cost Capital
Chapter 12: Leverage and Capital Structure
Chapter 13: Dividend Policy
Chapter 14: Working Capital and Current Assets Management
Chapter 15: Current Liabilities Managements
Chapter 16: Hybrid and Derivative Securities
Chapter 17: Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures and business Failure
Chapter 18: International Managerial Finance

Might help you:
Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz